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AI Powered Visual Analysis Apis

Version: 3.0

Base URL -


For setup and installation instruction, please visit our Github Page . Specifically, below are the links to each of our Client Libraries:


From Gem:

gem install paralleldots
From PyPI:
pip install paralleldots

From Source:
python install

Use the JAR
Path to JAR
path: target/paralleldots-1.0.2.jar

1.Create a composer.json file in your project's directory.

2.Write the following in the file:
  "require": {
    "paralleldots/apis": "*"
  "minimum-stability": "dev"
3.Run the following command in the same directory (NOTE: You must have composer installed):"

composer install

Open the console in Visual Studio using the Tools > NuGet Package Manager > Package Manager Console command.

PM> Install-Package ParallelDots




To authorize, use this code:

require 'paralleldots'

from paralleldots import set_api_key

import paralleldots.ParallelDots;

ParallelDots pd = new ParallelDots("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/paralleldots/apis/autoload.php');
# Setting your API key

# Import wrapper namespace
using ParallelDots

# Initialize instance of api class
paralleldots pd = new paralleldots("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

# Import paralleldots 


# set your API Key

Make sure to replace xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with your API key.

ParallelDots Visual Intelligence APIs uses API keys to authenticate requests to the API. You can register for a new API key at our developer portal.

API Parameters

ParallelDots Visual Intelligence API accepts two parameters - Image Path or Image URL and api_key. Maximum Image size should not exceed 10 MB. Valid image formats are .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp and .tiff

Either path to image file or an image url is mandatory, do not send both of them simultaneously.

Facial Emotion


Summary: Facial Emotion API can detect different emotion types from facial expressions in a potrait image.

Description: This API can be used to monitor emotions associated with visual content shared on social media or photo sharing apps or build interactive video chat applications.

require 'paralleldots'

# when sending a image file

path = "<path_to_image>"
puts( facial_emotion( path ) )

# when sending a image url

url       = "<url_to_image>"
puts( facial_emotion_url( url ) )
import paralleldots

# when sending a image file

path = "<path_to_image>"
print( paralleldots.facial_emotion( path ) )

# when sending a image url

url       = "<url_to_image>"
print( paralleldots.facial_emotion_url( url ) )


import requests
# When sending a image file.

facial_emotion = "", data={ "api_key": api_key } ,files={"file": open("<path_to_image>","rb")}).text

# When sending a image url

facial_emotion = "", data={ "api_key": api_key ,"url":"<url_to_image>"}).text
To sending a image file.

curl -X POST -F 'file=@<path_to_image>' -F 'api_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'

when sending a image url.

curl -X POST -F 'url=<url_to_image>' -F 'api_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'
import com.paralleldots.paralleldots.App;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
App pd = new App("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

// when sending a image file

String path_to_image="<path_to_image>"
String facial_emotion = pd.facial_emotion(path_to_image);

// when  sending a image url

String facial_emotion_url = pd.facial_emotion_url(<url_to_image>);

require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/paralleldots/apis/autoload.php');
# when sending a image file

$path_to_image = "<path_to_image>";
echo facial_emotion($path_to_image);

# when sending a image url

$url_to_image = "<url_to_image>";
echo facial_emotion_url($url_to_image);
using ParallelDots
// when sending a image file

String path_to_image = @"<path_to_image>";
Console.WriteLine("facial emotion");
String facial_emotion = pd.facial_emotion(path_to_image);

// when sending a image url

String facial_emotion_url = pd.facial_emotion_url(<url_to_image>);


image_url="<image url>" #must be https

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

    "facial_emotion": [
            "score": 0.46334898471832275,
            "tag": "Angry"
            "score": 0.23679578304290771,
            "tag": "Neutral"
            "score": 0.09110680967569351,
            "tag": "Sad"
            "score": 0.0540882833302021,
            "tag": "Fear"
            "score": 0.05155337601900101,
            "tag": "Surprise"
            "score": 0.05155337601900101,
            "tag": "Happy"
            "score": 0.05155337601900101,
            "tag": "Disgust"

HTTP Request


***POST*** /facial_emotion


Either file or url is mandatory , do not send both parameters.

Name Located in Description Required Type
url query Pass url of image file Yes if file not provided string
file query Pass a image file Yes if url not provided file
api_key query Apikey Yes string


Name Description Type
facial_emotion Contains all the tags and their corresponding score array
tag Name of the emotion i.e (Angry,Disgust,Fear,Happy,Sad,Surprise,Neutral) string
score The confidence score of the emotion in the image. It lies between 0 to 1 . Higher score states the higher confidence score of the output. float

HTTP Error Codes

Code Text Description
200 OK Successful response
304 Not Modified There was no new data to return.
500 Internal Server Error Backend Error. We will investigate the issue and ensure it will be fixed as a priority
400 Bad Request No Input image uploaded or Input URL given.
401 Unauthorized Invalid Credentials. Please provide valid API key
403 Forbidden Visual API Daily/Monthy Limit Exceeded. Please upgrade your account from your user dashboard at
429 Too Many Requests Too Many Requests. Please try after sometime.
406 Not Acceptable Invalid Format. Parameter url should be string

Image Labels


Summary: Find labels of an image

Description: Image recognition API finds the label(s) (names) of objects in the image along with its probability score. Image Recognition is beneficial to build visual search capability in your application letting you create a compelling discovery engine for your items.

require 'paralleldots'

# when sending a image file

path = "<path_to_image>"
puts( object_recognizer( path ) )

# when sending a image url

url       = "url_to_path"
puts( object_recognizer_url( url ) )
import paralleldots

# when sending a image file

path = "<path_to_image>"
print( paralleldots.object_recognizer( path ) )

# when sending a image url

url       = "<url_to_image>"
print( paralleldots.object_recognizer_url( url ))


import requests

#when sending a image file

data = "", data={ "api_key": api_key } ,files={"file": open("<path_to_image>","rb")}).text

# When sending a url image

data = "", data={ "api_key": api_key ,"url":"<url_to_image>"}).text

To send a image file.

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: application/json' {"type":"formData"} -F "file=@<path_to_image>" -F "api_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ''

To send a image url.

curl -X POST --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' --header 'Accept: amData"} -F "url=<url_to_image>" -F "api_key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" ''

import com.paralleldots.paralleldots.App;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
App pd = new App("xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");

// when sending a image file

String path_to_image="<path_to_image>"
String object_recognizer = pd.object_recognizer(path_to_image);

// when  sending a image url

String object_recognizer_url = pd.object_recognizer_url(<url_to_image>);
require(__DIR__ . '/vendor/paralleldots/apis/autoload.php');
// when sending a image file

$path_to_image = "<path_to_image>";
echo object_recognizer($path_to_image);

// when sending a image url

$url_to_image = "<url_to_image>";
echo object_recognizer_url($url_to_image);
using ParallelDots
// when sending a image file

String path_to_image = @"<path_to_image>";
String object_recognizer = pd.object_recognizer(path_to_image);

// when sending a image url

String object_recognizer_url = pd.object_recognizer_url(<url_to_image>);


image_url="<image url>" #must be https

The above command returns JSON structured like this:

 "output": [
            "tag": "Fashion",
            "score": 0.36841973662376404
            "tag": "Clothing",
            "score": 0.2704277038574219
            "tag": "Photo shoot",
            "score": 0.21180585026741028
            "tag": "Dress",
            "score": 0.19927018880844116
            "tag": "Photograph",
            "score": 0.19799776375293732
            "tag": "Person",
            "score": 0.18744145333766937
            "tag": "Model",
            "score": 0.16371771693229675
            "tag": "Beauty",
            "score": 0.16217313706874847
            "tag": "Woman",
            "score": 0.15185585618019104
            "tag": "Art",
            "score": 0.11858072131872177

HTTP Request


***POST*** /object_recognizer


Name Located in Description Required Type
url query Pass url of image file Yes if file not provided string
file query Pass a image file Yes if url not provided file
api_key query Apikey Yes string


Name Description Type
output Contains all the tags and their corresponding score array
tag Name of the emotion i.e (Angry,Disgust,Fear,Happy,Sad,Surprise,Neutral) string
score The confidence score of the emotion in the image. It lies between 0 to 1 . Higher score states the higher confidence score of the output. float

HTTP Error Codes

Code Text Description
200 OK Successful response
304 Not Modified There was no new data to return.
500 Internal Server Error Backend Error. We will investigate the issue and ensure it will be fixed as a priority
400 Bad Request No Input image uploaded or Input URL given.
401 Unauthorized Invalid Credentials. Please provide valid API key
403 Forbidden Visual API Daily/Monthy Limit Exceeded. Please upgrade your account from your user dashboard at
429 Too Many Requests Too Many Requests. Please try after sometime.
406 Not Acceptable Invalid Format. Parameter url should be string


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request is invalid.
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong.
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only.
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found.
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method.
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json.
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers.
418 I'm a teapot.
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarily offline for maintenance. Please try again later.